In the world of engineering, Petra Reus stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. As the Manager of Production Support at Prothya, Petra has dedicated her career to process improvement, innovation, and the development of life-saving medicines. Petra shares her journey, achievements, and a message of inspiration for young women aspiring to make their mark in engineering.

Engineering: A Path of Impact and Creation  

Petra Reus entered the field of engineering as a Process Engineer after completing her studies. Petra: “Engineering offers the opportunity to create, improve, and participate in the development of new and groundbreaking solutions.” Petra highlights the profound impact that engineers have, particularly in the healthcare industry, where they play a vital role in creating life-saving medicines. Engineering is about making a tangible difference in the world.”

Overcoming Challenges as a Woman in Engineering  

Petra began her career journey as one of the few women engineers. “Times have changed significantly”. While she did not face any difficulties with her colleagues, there were occasional prejudices from clients who underestimated her expertise, assuming she held a secretarial role just for being a woman. Petra: “I’ve remained focused on my work, showcasing my capabilities and proving my worth in the field”.

A Sense of Safety and Respect  

Addressing the topic of safety, Petra expresses that she has always felt secure working in a majority-male environment. Petra: “What is important is mutual respect and maintaining a professional attitude. By treating others with respect, I believe that one can establish a harmonious and inclusive working environment.”

The Fulfillment of Working at Prothya  

“Prothya is a pleasant and motivating working environment, with a diverse mix of men and women collaborating on projects. I really appreciate the collective contribution towards the creation of life-saving and – enhancing medicines. The knowledge that my work directly impacts the well-being and lives of others serves as a driving force, fueling my passion and inspiring me every day”. Petra takes immense pride in her ability to solve problems, develop new methods, and contribute to successful project outcomes.

A Message of Authenticity and Passion  

To young women considering a career in engineering, Petra Reus imparts invaluable advice. She urges them to embrace their unique selves, acknowledging the differences between men and women while focusing on their passion for engineering. Petra: “Genuine enthusiasm and love for your chosen path are crucial in any career, not just engineering. The joy and fulfillment that come from being able to innovate, create, and shape the world through engineering, that’s what makes the difference.”